Monday: NO SCHOOL! Happy Memorial Day! Tuesday: Triathlon Obstacle course: The triathlon includes running, biking, and an obstacle course. This year, ALL STUDENTS will participate in the running and obstacle course parts. Each student that is biking will be responsible to get their bike (please label) to (South parking lot in proper grade section) the school between 7:00 and 7:45 am on May 31st and from Three Mile Creek School (any time after the triathlon and before school is out). Students will need to wear a bike helmet (please label) and closed toed shoes during the biking portion. Start Times: 2nd grade at 8:30 Wear yellow or white 3rd grade at 9:15 Wear green 4th grade at 10:00 Wear red 5th grade at 10:45 Wear blue Please, no one in bike area except participants and designated helpers. There will be viewing areas for family. Please park on the streets south of the school if you are attending to watch. Wednesday: 5th grade breakfast 8:00 at Perry Park If your child needs a ride to Perry Park, please contact Lori in the office ASAP and the PTA will coordinate rides. 5th grade teachers will walk students back when done. Thursday: Water Party - Friday: 8:00-12:00 School 9:00 Assembly 11:15 Sack lunch outside 11:50 clapout Other Announcements: Please return all library books Lost and Found items will be out all next week for students and parents to go through. If you have medications at the school please pick them up before Friday at 1:00. Class Lists will NOT be posted the last day of school. This year they will be sent out in August. If your child is not returning, please fill out this form:
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Today is the last day to sign up for biking at the triathlon. REMINDERS: Triathlon Tuesday May 31st.   8:30 - 9:15 - 2nd Grade 9:15 - 10:00 - 3rd Grade 10:00 - 10:45 - 4th Grade 10:45 - 11:30 - 5th Grade  Bikes need to be delivered to the south parking lot between 7:00-7:45 If you signed up for Gatroade, please bring that Friday, or Tuesday morning. Please stay in the parent view area while watching the event.   Drive carefully that day, there will be a lot of kids biking and running around.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
A great spring day watching the Bees!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
3rd graders making rockets!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Dear Parents and Students, Three Mile Creek School will be holding their annual triathlon on Tuesday, May 31st . The triathlon includes running, biking, and an obstacle course. This year, ALL STUDENTS will participate in the running and obstacle course parts. There will not be any partners this year. Each student that is biking will be responsible to get their bike (please label) to (South parking lot in proper grade section) the school between 7:00 and 7:45 am on May 31st and from Three Mile Creek School (any time after the triathlon and before school is out). Students will need to wear a bike helmet (please label) and closed toed shoes during the biking portion. We will begin the triathlon about 8:30 a.m. Start Times: 2nd grade at 8:30 3rd grade at 9:15 4th grade at 10:00 5th grade at 10:45 Shirt color: 2nd grade yellow or white, 3rd grade green, 4th grade red, 5th grade blue. Please, no one in bike area except participants and helpers. There will be viewing areas for family. This survey is so we can get a count of how many students will be doing the biking portion of the event. Please answer the questions below by MAY 25th: Sign up for the Triathlon:
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Presentations for Career day!!!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
The artist trading cards were a hit!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
So much awesome art!! Art show until 6:00!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
One of our students received an award for his strength at FitCon in SLC. Here is Ryker with some power lifting world record holders, and our own power lifter Mr. Nichols.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Meet Mrs. Pies: "My name is LaRaida Pies and I have lived in Utah all of my life. I love spending time hiking, fishing, and camping in the great outdoors. I especially love spending time with my three married children and their families. They have blessed me with six wonderful grandchildren. My husband and I own three Siberian Huskies who help keep us active. Although I have taught children in several different capacities for many years, I recently graduated from Weber State University with degrees in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. I am excited to teach at Three Mile Creek Elementary School."
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Mark your calendar!
over 2 years ago, Maele Shakespear
art show
The Natural History Museum of Utah came today and did a presentation on fossils for the 4th graders.
over 2 years ago, Maele Shakespear
Mr. Nichols class is growing 10 ft Russian Sunflowers.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
My name is Maria del Pilar Renteria and I am from Cali-Colombia. I have been teaching for 28 years; 16 of them in the US: First as an ESL teacher in NC, then as a Spanish as a Foreign Language teacher in Northern VA, later as a 1st, and 2nd grade immersion teacher in Sioux Falls SD. Currently I am teaching 1st grade DLI in Garland elementary. I hold a Bachelor in Language Arts Degree and a master’s degree in business administration. I am married to Sr. Bohorquez, 5th grade DLI teacher at Three Mile Creek Elementary. We have two children, a 23-year-old daughter and a 14-year-old son who is currently in 8th grade. I love traveling, music, cooking and sharing my language and culture. I am looking forward to joining the wonderful staff and students at Three Mile Creek!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
We are excited to start having you meet our new employees for next year. Mrs. VanHaaften will be joining our 3rd grade! "Hi, I’m Mrs. VanHaaften (Mrs. Van)! I am excited to be a new third-grade teacher here at Three Mile Creek Elementary! I grew up in Syracuse, Utah and I will be graduating from Utah State University this upcoming May with a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Elementary Education. I enjoy spending time with my husband and dog, as well as reading a good book! I can’t wait to help my students learn and grow this upcoming school year!"
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Third graders are creating artwork after the manner of the artist Louise Nevelson. They are in need of small objects that would normally be thrown away (small cans, lids, etc.). They are also creating a community weaving and we need old white or light colored sheets that can be cut and dyed for our weaving. If you are able and willing to donate please drop your donations in the blue bin just inside the art room door. Thanks!
over 2 years ago, Maele Shakespear
4th Graders’ drawings of waterfowl. It’s optional for 4th Grade students to enter their artwork in the Jr Duck Stamp Contest. See Mrs Shakespear for an entry form (due February 28).
over 2 years ago, Maele Shakespear
Mrs White, our awesome librarian, dressed as Waldo today to teach students how to find things in a library. She talked about the “Where’s Waldo” books with students and then they were put into teams to find Waldos hidden throughout the library.
over 2 years ago, Maele Shakespear
Sledding fun at Three Mile Creek!!!
over 2 years ago, Jeff Morris
Habitat landscapes by 2nd Grade artists. Students mixed all of their own colors for these landscapes using the primary colors. They also learned how to use a horizon line and how to create depth by drawing things closer to them bigger and things further away smaller.
almost 3 years ago, Maele Shakespear