
Many of you have been wondering about our response to the continued cases and exposure to COVID-19.

In this link, you can find Box Elder School District's guidance.  BESD COVID Response letter

We will continue the way that we ended last school year, with a few changes.  

  • Masks are welcome, but will not be required at our school.  
  • If a student is exposed to COVID-19, they will have the options listed in the letter above: 
    • Quarantine at home for 10 days; or
    • Wear a mask at all times while at school during the 10-day period following exposure; or
    • Wear a mask at all times while at school during a 7-day period and remove the mask if you test negative on day 7.

In the case of an exposure at school, all students in the class will be notified, through email of the exposure, and asked to follow the steps above.  

Please send your students with a water bottle to school, we will continue to use our drinking fountains as water bottle filling stations.  

If a student is sent to the office sick, parents will be notified, and they may be asked to wear a mask.

Please remind your children that wearing a mask is a personal choice, and we don't understand the reasons that others choose to wear masks or not to, and to please respect the choices of others.